Check back in every month to get the latest update from the FFC Meeting Minutes!


FFC General Membership Meeting

Tuesday October 13th, 2020


Virtual meeting via Zoom

In attendance

Dusty Pedrotti

Hooban Forsman

Shannon Kellogg

Jessica Craig

Mary Russell

Arabella Liu

Jessica Wong

Solom ?

Anthony Eusebio


Corry Bernardo

Michele Becker

Audra Roenburg

Ed Lasak

Wendy Gallagher




Call to order 6:32

Approval of meeting minutes as submitted motion made Mary Russell Seconded by Jessica Craig. Motion passed.


Board Reports


President Report: Informational, Shannon Kellogg: Pledge Drive updates: Delaying the start until the Spring or waiting until we go back to school. There have been pledges and some matched. We will let parents know as we move forward. There needs to be a form ready to launch in the event we go back to campus. Changes to the pledge drive will be discussed with committee chairs as we move forward. Communication will go out to parents.

Tee shirt sales: Setting up tables to sell during distribution days. This will help promote spirit Fridays. We need volunteers for this.

Halloween event for school-after school on Friday, by grade, 10/30. Car costume parade.


Vice President Report: Informational update in volunteers in classroom. Anthony will update teachers as to who their volunteers are. Bylaw review committee


Principal Report: Informational


Treasurer Report Informational: no financial updates to report. Jessica presented new digital reimbursement process.



Committee Reports:

Family Dinner Nights: financial updates: The Kebab Shop earned $226.99. Somisomi earned about $150 (haven’t received check yet).

Enrichment Committee: Program is on hold for now while school is virtual. Cory is managing inquires and emails. Talk of doing a virtual chess club.

Cookbook: Updates on progress, Jessica Craig is heading this project.

Teacher Appreciation: Cathryn and Shannon are working on ways to appreciate our teachers and engage with teachers.


New Business

Jessica Craig proposed some ideas to raise parent involvement.

Scholastic book dollars






Upcoming Events

Family Dinner Night Friday October 30 - Rubio’s 30% (changed from Nov 7th to go along with Costume Caravan) (tentative) Thursday November 12 - Panera Thursday December 3 - Luna Grill 20% Wednesday January 13 - Chipotle 33% Wednesday February 24 Flippin’ Pizza


Halloween event for school-after school on Friday, by grade, 10/30. Car costume parade.




Meeting adjourned 7:45PM