Earn Cash for our school every time you shop for groceries. Clip Box Tops from hundreds of your favorite products. You can find Box Tops on brands such as Cheerios, Annie's, Pillsbury, Ziploc, Kleenex, Hefty, Progresso Soups, Yoplait and more!

Visit http://www.boxtops4education.com/participating-products for a complete listing of products.

Collection dates for 2017-18 school year will be the first Friday of each month unless it is a holiday, then the second Friday of the month.  There will be reminders during the year.  


Turn in your Box Tops for Education in a plastic bag to your class room teacher any time and we will collect and count them on the above dates.  Look for how your class is doing on the Box Top info bulletin board near the lunch tables. 

Get into the Dingeman spirit and help reach our goal by clipping your Box Tops all year round!  Remember to ask neighbors and other family members who don't have elementary age kids to save Box Tops for you too!


Our goal is to earn $2,200 this year from Box Tops!